15-17 June 2022, Rome, Italy
To complement the annual World Health Summit (Berlin, Oct 2022), this year’s Regional Meeting #WHSRome2022 will take place in Rome, Italy, hosted by Sapienza University of Rome, who hold the WHS International Presidency for 2022.
On 16 June (Day 2), Prof Heidi Larson, Director of The Vaccine Confidence Project at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, will deliver a keynote on “Building Societal Cooperation and Cohesion: The Next Big Global Health Challenge”. As part of this, she will discuss some of the work being done by the IRIS Academic Research Group.
Sapienza, University of Rome and LSHTM are founding research partners of the IRIS Academic Research Group and members of the M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers, Universities and National Academies – a network of 30 leading health centres and research institutions in 20 countries that academically underpin the WHS.
#WHSRome2022 is a prelude to #WHS2022, an annual joint summit with WHO to provide a global space “where science, politics, the private sector and civil society meet for inspiring talks, enhanced cooperations and new solutions”.
The results from each World Health Summit are issued as a set of recommendations for action to international policymakers within the M8 Alliance Declaration.